IBM West Silicon Valley Innovation Tecno-Systems

Everything is Connected by Stories and Narratives based on Data

Smart Media

Cyber-Communicatios and Artificial Intelligence can change the future of Mass-Media privacy data regulations in the next five years. We need to prepare us for the digital Web3 Blockchain transformation based on 5G, IoT, AI, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

Big Data and Mass-Media Future

The Big Data and AI Cyber-Communications based on Social listenig by Mass-Media metrics insights in this days we are data in order to take better desitions and smart data to open several cluod computing systems that bring to C-level Desition Maker using this new Web Media User Experience.

New Governance Framework

Tecno-Politics using Media Intelligence strategies ant techniques as well think tanks centers who create the codes and laws in the Government new Environments cause regulations in data privacy of citizens support for high quality moral but not legal standars to changing Environments and digital audiences

Startup Tecno-Systems

Tecno-systems of Capital and Innovation Eco-System Startups. Think about in the problem and design thinking challenge Ideation buil MVP then run A/B Testing users on the front-end and back-end performance. Data is the new oil, Metadata pages to SEO/SEM engine optimization revenue hyper growth of impacts in market profit.

Exponential Communications

Adwords and organic transmedia communications by web media experiencies may help market and the consumers organic gowth "Ever Green" could be the best option as well but isn't enough, hacking the new media ethics code communications and create feedback and responsive experience for the users. Organic and Adwords strategies will be mixed with AI and IoT for exponential metrics and analytics.

Future of Politics and Communications

Users are potential costumers around the world needs results and we have the New Media solutions in high tech and the order hand in terms of growth is important for them results. ROI is the most valued metrics for CEOs and Companies of high growth in social media and public opinion.

Einstein used to say... Imagination is intelligence having Fun ;)


In the next two years we will be creating the Next Generation of Post-capitalitists Web3 LATAM+Caribe Startups

International Achievements

Global Hachathons and Challenges against the climate by clean energies.
IBM Blue Code Challenge, Silicon Valley
TH.0 GOV TECH 2021 Virtual Hackathon, London - United Kingdom
The Shuttle
Marine Tech 2020 Virtual Hackathon, London - United Kingdom
Climathon 2020 Virtual Hackathon, London - United Kingdom

Latest News

Welcome to the desert of the real
08th Jan 2020

Smart Cities

Smart Cities will be global trend that is being applied in communities to substantially improve the quality of life of citizens through the use of technologies. A smart city is defined as an interconnected system that applies new technologies to manage the operation of transport systems, up to the efficient use of energy or water resources. Hacking the climate code is most important issue for the community and environment in the next generation enterprises.

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02th Jul 2020

Silicon Valley innovation model

Silicon Valley & the surroundings of the SFO Bay Area, where Stanford University, coupled with the vision of Frederick Terman, a professor at the same University, who considered that a vast unused area owned by the university would be perfect for real estate and intellectual development and established a program to encourage graduate students to stay there, providing them with venture capital.

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05th Apr 2021

Innovation technosystems

From the imagination to the factory, from the winery to the emerging company, innovations move the economy and society changes as a result of the appearance of new Technosystems that link the economy such as IBM International Business Machine, which is inserted in the framework of a Smart Citie while inventions are the key to economic growth.

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