Next Generation Marketing Intelligence

I am passionate disruptive innovation oriented technological an sustainable development for Latin America & Caribe. Ecuadorian by birth, I have lived in several countries, which has give me a wide vision, understanding mindsets and adaptation to different cultures, going for different countries and fields as the Advertising, Strategic Communication, Open Innovation, Cinema Production, Programming and Enterpreneurship.

I consider myself a ideallistic business developer. I would call myself a High Tech Enterpreneur. I know enough to hire the right people for the job and expand the network. I totally understand why full stack software developers get tight when they hear artificial intelligence.

Startup Culture and hightech ecosystem is the ice breaker on the internet era. There are millions of reasons to think about new brand or re-branding native based or platform and almost everyone at some point got suckered into buying a domain for 1.99 and thought they could build a great site that will make them millions of dollars in 15 minutes on WIX or Square Space😉. They were fooled.

Personally, like a Communications Engineer and Audiovisual Arts Producer background, SEO has gotten me out of some huge financial jams. I've collected few watermarked test photos and DSLR back ground B-Roll videos with the new mocked up logo I just designed for my clients on a landing page.

The elephant in the room is that the advantage to being savvy in responsive code is that there is a market for these companies that either can afford or simply just don't want to pay a software developer $6k-$10k a month to build a website with custom web applications but they will set aside a $1500-$10k+ budget for professional photos, videos, web setup, css/html theme customization, scale-able hosting plan with dedicated email marketing solutions, social media API key integration, google business integration (google maps), eCommerce solutions, call to action links, surveys (survey monkey) and I can contact you for give forms and then set aside a monthly retainer to manage and market it.

Because SEO is friendly with google spiders, Optimization Packages that can help boost web rankings. You can source content development through platforms like CRM Salesforce and use tools like Ahrefs or Semrush to make sure your articles are SEO so friendly. I can also help my clients to write weekly content for their blogs which help with google rankings, then share those articles on the major social media platforms to grow their brand. Social Media Management is a beast by itself. FB/YT/IG/Google are making billions off of ad sales. Because you hold all social media API, keys, by default I will have become their social media manager/admin. Again, I can help fee manage all your social media and create custom FB ad packages that will get your customers to your website to buy your products and services.

I can give you a few teasers always helps the client buy in. Most clients can't get enough of seeing themselves or their brand professionally photographed with custom graphic design displayed on their own website with the domain they've bought for $1.99 four Black Fridays ago. This also helps you land investors and now you have become one of the important business on your market. They will never can function without your brand.

SEO & Media Strategy

Bill Gates used to said that Content is King. You will always have a family friend they want to hire for your SEO strategy to save a few bucks but simply you have to remind that this is the probably the most important part of your business model and they will want future investors and customers to have access to their website and social media 24/7. They don't want to just hand the keys to a relative to save a few bucks because it is so important to hire a professional.

Let me guess, your company is selling a product or a service. Great! Even more opportunities for your growth. Now you get to come up your very own sales and marketing agreement. You have now become a growth brand. You can produce more video promos and graphic ad design, and set up professional photo shoots for their products and services. Again, the market love good photos and videos you can get new clients and growth the profits. Don't forget to include if you want an affiliate marketing agreement for yourself, meaning you get a percentage of any sales you bring to the customer.

Now that you have set up with a website and professional content your costumers will want your business cards, brochures, explainer videos etc., and will be bragging about their new brand in the market to all the important people in their life, including investors, family members with money etc. Now it’s time for own to lock down those referrals and cut deals to get new business. Maybe need a free 6 to 12 months of maintenance and support for each referral or throw in a referral fee for each person they bring. Now you have an awesome portfolio with solid referrals.

Marketing Develop

I forgot to tell you the coolest part. We get to do all this remote, with corporate managers. Now you’re sitting in first step optimizing and editing the photos of the professional model you hired and photo for a new lifestyle brand with your A7S in RAW in Adobe Lightroom for your first demo revision you are going to send off before landing in San Francisco CA.

  1. My fee is in the maintenance and support agreement, sales and marketing agreement, content creation agreement, custom web application solutions, and my golden e-comerce the sells buy agreement.
  2. Don't get in bidding wars where you bid against the cheapest people on earth. Use your skills as conversation starters to find out where you can help new prospects and network like crazy. Stay affordable and reasonable in the beginning. I can always start with shoot of CEO photo shoot to break the ice and get to the decision maker and pitch the re-brand with new photos. My goal is to get leverage to you can weed out the cheap high maintenance difficult clients and keep the good ones.
  3. I can may run into your business partner with a strong vision by company gets results and you want to sold a new product. I include a first right with a worthy amount that includes a percentage of all future income or you can keep you on the e-comerce platform sells. I can become your full agency and get a percentage of the year contract.

Some businesses will need custom back-end solutions like client management portals, project management portals, booking software (Booksy) and invoice software. Guess what you get for those custom solutions, and you get to up-sell a training agreement for your client’s staff and future new hires. Some clients will want you to help them so they can buy.