Technosystems of Innovation and Startups as models of technological development

Technosystem, from the generation of a revolutionary innovation, the transistor in its relationship with Stanford University and the fourth industrial revolution In the business world, Technosystems and emerging companies start, start or set up a new business under construction supporting their efforts in technology. They are ideas that innovate the market and seek to facilitate the complicated processes associated with innovation, the development of web technologies and venture capital. We have studied the creators of the transistor; John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain who converged in Palo Alto California.

Humanity leapt forward into the deepest social upheaval and creative restructuring of all time. Without clearly realizing it, she is dedicated to building an extraordinarily new civilization. The first great revolution was that of agriculture, the industrial revolution the second and the digital revolution the third. The Third Industrial Revolution A Radical New Sharing Economy poses a radical turning point in which many efforts and the construction of urban habitats converge, due to its high impact on the local and global economy, based on new urban and technological criteria.

The Silicon Valley of Hardware Future Cities shows how 3D technology is revolutionizing the world based on technological solutions applied to problems arising within the framework of different habitats, created on the basis of cutting-edge technology and innovation plus research and development, which drives the appearance of different governance imaginaries, designed to think about a new urban and technological scenario. An important aspect of being a smart habitat is the use of new digital technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) to improve processes for the benefit of residents.

Silicon Valley Innovation Border

  1. The term Silicon Valley was coined by journalist Don C. Hoefler in 1971 in a series of articles titled Silicon Valley USA in Electronic News. Silicon (Silicon), refers to the high concentration of industries in the area, related to semiconductors and computers.
  2. Silicon Valley refers to the Santa Clara Valley and the surroundings of the San Francisco Bay, where Stanford University, coupled with the vision of Frederick Terman, a professor at the same University, who considered that a vast unused area owned by the university would be perfect for real estate and intellectual development and established program to encourage graduate students to stay there, providing them with venture capital. One of the main successes in the history of the program was to convince two graduates: William Hewlett and David Packard, to stay around Stanford, both of which would create HP Hewlett-Packard.
  3. The techno-industrial hyperdevelopment model of '' Silicon Valley '' began its locomotion in the 1960s, as a new era broke through. Suddenly a new form of scientific and technological development broke out, its epicenter was Stanford University, and thanks to the facilities in the legislation for the creation of companies and the support of seed and venture capital, new techno-social opportunities arose, until reaching a global impact, one of the first startups to emerge is the IBM International Business Machine.

Startup companies emerged from warehouses or garages in various places to become a giant like IBM or INTEL, thanks to the fact that their productive activity was inserted in information technology and dot-com services. With adequate conditions of connectivity and progressive access of the population to telecommunications and electronics services, a process of productive chain unprecedented in human history could be unleashed.

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Silicon Valley Model

With the result of this research, it was sought to understand the Silicon Valley model, since it can have a high impact on the industrial technological development of Ecuador, generating an appropriate context for the emergence of Technosystems and Startups based on the indicator development model i + D + i. I have always considered it important to study technosystems and startups in order to analyze the role played by the Silicon Valley (US) development model as an agent of scientific-technological technification, relevant for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean. The proposed study will help, among other aspects, to know the innovation - technology relationship within the framework of a possible alternative to the problem of technological development in Ecuador, knowing the characteristics of the model from its epicenter at Stanford University in Palo Alto CA, to understand the development of the Silicon Valley technosystem in the San Francisco Bay CA in the United States of North America and its impact on the emerging economies of Latin America and the Caribbean.

From this moment on, a wide range of traditional industries such as the military, or aerospace joined the new emerging companies or Startups that were developed, the transistor took the technologies of IBM, APPLE, INTEL, GENERAL ELECTRIC, among many others. The city model adopted by the Santa Clara Valley in California (US) entailed the creation of different governance environments, creating objective and subjective conditions for the emergence of innovation and development of companies based on cutting-edge technology, plus public venture capital. or private in an adequate legal framework.

"A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men are everywhere trying to quell it. The dawn of this new civilization is the most explosive event in our lives. It is the central event, key to understanding the years immediately ahead". Alvin Toffler

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The scope of the Silicon Valley model for innovation plus development

Silicon Valley, an American Experience, we took as a starting point of the digital age, one morning in June 1956, where young scientists and experienced engineers converged in the city of San Francisco CA who had worked in a semiconductor laboratory in the Outside of Palo Alto, to develop with high-level researchers, an innovation that would transform the world forever, this invention was the transistor.

These innovation and entrepreneurship technosystems are an important contribution to the development of emerging companies in the country, their impact on the strengthening of new urban environments and new technological systems are of special interest to the research field of this documentary product.

In order to know the behavior of innovation and the “Silicon Valley” model of entrepreneurship and innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean, we develop open innovation experiences based on various experiences of innovation technosystems throughout the American hemisphere, during a certain period in the process of implementation of the model in emerging companies or startups.

The scope of the Silicon Valley model for innovation plus R&D development in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of this research, is expressed through emerging companies or Startups to observe in situ the process of technological and social articulation. The present study has developed three case studies, Innopolis which is part of Yachay Tech, the Media Lab UIO, which works with the International Center for Higher Studies for Latin America (CIESPAL), and International Business Machine LATAM & US.

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